Conceptual Collections
As intriguing as a notion from a significant research work attributed to pioneering scholars in early 19th century, as large as a magnificent sculpture of the Erechtheion ruins, from the detailed draperies depicted on snowy white stone, to the waged, lost language inscribed on the Mesopotamian cuneiforms tables, Hui nourished from all the sparkles of ancient Mediterranean cultures, allowing them to flourish and to shine with her design flair. We are always on our way capturing cultural elements from ancient history and art, some of those you might have seen in the museum or an archaeological site, some of those you might never seen before. But, we are here, rejuvenating all of them in an unprecedented and unparalleled way, presenting them from a fine jewellery’s perspective, conveying timeless sublime beauty in a fine jewellery piece with museums quality.
Tiger sniffs rose Iconic Corinthian helmet with a sharp cresent tip that aesthetically echos to her pointed chin, Athenian’s armed profile has never been captured with such a heroic feature before. The sublime character is softly dulcified by a half-blossoming pomegranate flower, bringing the romantic poetry: In me, the tiger sniffs roses.
Hair locks that were noice floating in the summer’s breeze, intricate hair braids that were once resting on the shoulders, floral wreaths interwoven by ripe fruits and laurel leaves, are now frozen into 18k fine jewellery pieces with Antiquarian’s unparalleled creative flair
Decoding The Akkadian
Waged mystery, abstruse writing literature, we broke down the waged language known as cuneiforms, retranslating the mysteriously yet fascinating charm of Akkadian characters with 18k metal spikes, decoding the history and glory of ancient Mesopotamian kingdoms